Civil Aviation
Investigator-In-Charge of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents is investigating every accident or serious incident involving aircraft to which Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 applies.
Investigator-In-Charge of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents is investigating every accident or serious incident where an aircraft to which Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 applies and which is registered in the Republic of Lithuania is involved in an accident or a serious incident the location of which cannot be definitely established as being in the territory of any State.
By way of derogation from that, Investigator-In-Charge of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents may decide, taking into account the expected lessons to be drawn for the improvement of aviation safety, not to initiate a safety investigation when an accident or serious incident concerns an unmanned aircraft for which a certificate or declaration is not required pursuant to Article 56 (1) and (5) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, or concerns a manned aircraft with a maximum take-off mass less than or equal to 2 250 kg, and where no person has been fatally or seriously injured.
Investigator-In-Charge of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents may decide to investigate other incidents, as well as accidents or serious incidents to other types of aircraft, when he expects to draw safety lessons from them.
Notification about accident or incident
Any person involved who has knowledge of the occurrence of an accident or serious incident shall notify without delay the Investigator-In-Charge of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents via mob. +370 620 17761 or e-mail [email protected].